Second opinion
It's urgent. You need to make a hiring decision. But you re uncertain. Who are these candidates beneath the surface? What kind of personality do they have? What happens when they get stressed? What motivates and drives them? A`HEAD provides the answers.
The final assessment begins with A`HEAD mapping out personality traits, motivation, interests, and tendencies for "overreactions" (dark sides/personality under stress). See the paragraph below to read more.
Then, the consultant conducts an in-depth interview with the candidate. During this process, we review the test results and explain their implications, while also seeking the candidate's thoughts on the results. We also discuss motivation, conditions, and salary expectations. If requested by the client, we perform reference interviews.
The in-depth assessment is conducted one-on-one, without the client needing to invest time in this step.
Finally, there is a captivating meeting where the consultant presents the findings. You will then receive the answers you need to make your decision.